Castro Gay Rainbow Flag



San Francisco has long been a beacon of inclusivity, 以自由和解放的承诺邀请来自世界各地的旅行者, not to mention a perfect climate and natural beauty. 

结果是, 多个地标定义了贝博体彩app的酷儿历史,现在成为这座城市持久包容和韧性精神的证明.

游客们可以在卡斯特罗巨大的彩虹旗下追随哈维·米尔克的脚步, explore thriving community hubs in SoMa, and pay a visit to the cultural institutions of 金门公园. On this journey through the city’s hippest neighborhoods, you’ll uncover a complex web of history and culture.

Harvey Milk’s Camera Shop

Strolling through San Francisco’s gayborhood, a stop at the site of Harvey Milk’s camera shop, 卡斯特罗的相机, 是必须的. The Human Rights Campaign took over the site in 2011. Today, it has transformed into a vibrant hub known as 酷儿一个.F. (酷儿一个rts Featured), and now houses an artist-led gallery, 独特的精品店, and serves as an exciting event space. 

附近的, 你也会发现历史名胜,如粉红三角纪念碑和双峰酒馆, a gay bar that opened in 1935. 1972年,这家酒吧拉开窗帘,让路人都能看到里面,成为了它的标志性建筑, a pivotal moment for 同性恋群体+ visibility. Designated as a San Francisco landmark in 2013, 它仍然是进步的象征,也是享受鸡尾酒的好地方. Have a spritz under its Tiffany-style lamps for a true Castro experience. 

As you stroll through the Castro in search of a late-night bite, consider Orphan Andy’s, where French toast and chicken-fried steak smothered in gravy await. Dennis Ziebell and Bill Pung, co-owners of this 50s-style diner, have been in business since the 1970s, catering to visitors’ cravings 24 hours a day. 

Harvey Milk Camera Shop Castro

San Francisco’s first gayborhood

鲜为人知的事实:波尔克街是该市第一次骄傲游行的举办地, making 波尔克峡谷 the first gayborhood in San Francisco. At the center of it all, 有把握的轿车, a cherished local haunt, doles out brews alongside nearly five decades of history. This gay-friendly bar beckons a diverse crowd with its calendar of events, offering a warm and inclusive atmosphere to unwind and mingle.

Further up Polk Street, find a cute ‘fit at ReLove. This queer-BIPOC-owned business is not just a resale boutique; it’s a curated collection of vintage, 设计师, 独立厂牌, where each item is handpicked with style in mind. ReLove也是一个鼓励个人表达的社区空间,在不倾家所有的情况下相信时尚. 

For a sweet treat, visit Hot Cookie. 这家面包店是贝博体彩app波尔克街的第二家店(第一家位于卡斯特罗区),是新鲜烘焙的好去处, suggestively-named cookies. 

Peoples March 波尔克峡谷

皮革 & 同性恋群体 Cultural District

贝博体彩app南市场(SoMa)街区的鹰广场(Eagle Plaza)为一条一度未被充分利用的街道注入了新的活力, 创造一个避风港,让我们的社区可以聚集在一起,庆祝我们共同的历史.

值得注意的是, SF Eagle是全国第一家获得历史地标地位的皮革酒吧,是节日期间的派对中心 福尔松街市. This relaxed hangout in the 皮革 & 同性恋群体文化区为所有人创造了一个温馨的空间——爸爸们, 水獭, 包括幼崽. 

Before or after visiting SF Eagle, take a stroll around SoMa and admire the murals created by Simon Malvaez. A proud queer immigrant, 西蒙的工作揭示了贝博体彩app同性恋群体+和拉丁裔社区的交集.

Following your art walk, make a pit stop at Mr. 年代皮革 为了一些好东西. 这家著名的服装和运动服装商店以其一流的皮革而闻名, 橡胶, 还有氯丁橡胶服装. 

After gearing up, make your way to Powerhouse. 这家当地的皮革酒吧长期以来一直是SoMa俱乐部的终极目的地. From drag shows and gogos to lively happy hours, this venue hosts a plethora of events for circuit queens and heavy hitters.


In the heart of San Francisco’s vibrant 任务的区, 号角巷壁画项目(CAMP)表达了社区的韧性和倡导信念. CAMP利用公共艺术放大边缘化的声音,挑战现状. 该项目将号角巷变成了一块巨大的画布,由当地艺术家创作的700多幅壁画汇集了社会各界, 经济, 种族, and environmental justice narratives. 

After your tour of Clarion Alley, 在Bi-Rite市场买些三明治和点心,在公园里野餐. 沿着街道走一小段,在多洛雷斯公园的草地上找到你的位置, known to locals as “the gay beach.” Soak in its unique charm and breathtaking views of the city skyline. 

当太阳落山时,使命区有一长串高评价的酒吧可供选择. 最值得注意的是,这个地区有三家女同性恋酒吧:El Rio、Jolene’s和Mother. On top of that, you’ll find a mostly queer crowd at the Make Out Room.

National AIDS Memorial Grove

Tucked inside 金门公园, you’ll find the National AIDS Memorial Grove, 一个宁静, 心灵的绿洲. 它的成立可以追溯到1989年,那是毁灭性的艾滋病危机的关键时期. 这个神圣的空间的目的是为那些受到悲伤影响的人提供安慰. 它是一个精心培育的林地静修处,一个安静反省的飞地.

As you walk through the lush undergrowth beneath towering ferns, 你会看到许多石头上刻着那些死于艾滋病的人的名字.

其中,一个“朋友圈”上有不少于2500个名字的沉重铭文. The impact of the Grove and its memorials is undeniably profound, a poignant reminder of the lives lost.

金门公园, 它是位于贝博体彩app里士满和日落区之间的一片广阔的绿地, 它的存在要归功于早期的环保主义者他们希望将贫瘠的沙丘变成郁郁葱葱的森林. The park starts in 嬉皮 and spans over 1,000 acres to picturesque Ocean Beach, making it the largest urban park in the United States.

AIDS Memorial 金门公园

考虑到它的大小, it’s no surprise there’s an abundance of things to do, 从德扬博物馆和加州科学院这样的世界级博物馆,到《贝博体彩app》和《贝博体彩app》这样的音乐节. There’s also a diverse array of recreational pursuits, including roller skating, 山地自行车, 马球, 射箭, 还有飞盘高尔夫. 



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